Monopoly for getting Older

When did it first start you idly muse

As body-part monopoly you begin

Lying there in the semi haze of morning sunlight

Whist the damn birds sing their souls 

In joyful glee of the approaching day

Three plus two is five

you move round the board

Left foot ok, left ankle pretty good,

with trepidation you approach the first main hurdle 

The north face of the left knee.

Many a brave soul has crumbled and fallen 

on the pain of the north knee, 

but not today.

Not today a glimmer of glee sneaks in 

a crack like the opening of hope.

Whilst steely logic sweeps it away

with a besom of early days 

The dice are cast again

Like some crazy Cape Canaveral check

You reel them off 

Left hip — go

Lower back — go

Upper back — go

Shoulders —go

A liturgy of hope

The crack widens and the birds sound grand

Six or above and we are, good to Go

You match the timing of the blackbird’s song

Good to Go, good to Go, you trill along 

Whilst with gay abandon 

You throw again

Snake eyes  - Super tax

The train is derailed by a

Pain in the right patella

Touch of the German Byte

Moderate expected to rise to strong severe 

In Sean Bean Sharpe style you curse

The bastard, bastard birds 

And reach for the brown bottle painkillers


Storm Malik


Big Bad Wolf