Small thoughts and deeds

No one shall I inspire in thought or deed

No libertarian fire brand from pulpit high shall preach

No Musician’s melody inspiring your heart to sing 

whilst the hairs on your neck rise on a leap tide tingle

No fine brush stroke shall you gaze upon

in wonderment,


soft tinged with a slight hint of desire.

For I am ordinary in a plain flour sort of way.

At best verging upon moderate but never severe

in the shipping forecast of life.

This diminutive does not make me sad,

jealous of nature, for those considered great,

not all wish to aspire, some remain small, petite 

Otherwise by what yardstick 

shall the other’s greatness be measured.

Where the world is truly a stage, a thespian I choose not to be.

Like an atom on broadway my drama reveals

electrons bound to me with love, negative and positive forces attract, 

in my world higher planes of polarities can co-exist.

For truly small is beautiful

Life as a small time drama, Punch and Judy sized.

A minutiae of paltry events cast real in kaleidoscope detail, 

played on Super eight Kodachrome with CinemaScope,

for all to appreciate. 

Against the elder statesman or Narcissist tick-tok influencer 

Would Osiris and his feather judge me any less

For who shall be first to cast their stone, 

adjudicate my journey any less esteemed 

Decree this small life is a life less travelled.


Breathe In


Three Sisters