Fear and Loathing

We sat in rage

We read and our fury built anew

Thoughts created for our age

Our politicians have spoken.

Hallelujah praise the new

Moments created for pay to view virtues 

Cast upon the blank memory page

Our time - faith just dying

Disgrace in our actions, actions of the few

Fear and loathing cruel taskmasters 

For the knee bent at the streaming pew

Anger, the pillar, a bedrock foundation

Hatred the prevalent creed

Fear of the other, all around us

Fear of change, tradition is our way

Fear in every single moment

Fear in every single day

Fear so soon becomes

the natural state of play

Compassion, dead as dust

False prophets reflect our fears

False gods we worship at their alters

As we weep so many tears

Faith in change must now be our creed

For change we surely must

Faith in the goodness of others to succeed

Embrace the wisdom of the past

Remember - Someone once said

In the people we trust


Holidays do end


Thieves in the night