Thieves in the night

They came as thieves in the night.

Stripping away all that makes us good

Tolerance and compassion

stuffed into a dirty hessian sack of wanting

Dignity and self worth manhandled out the door

like drunks in a nightclub brawl

In their place consumerism, avarice, cupidity

Set free to run amok

Constant stimulation every waking minute,

false needs, false gods, hand in hand

through the electromagnetic frequencies ride

Hollowness left in their wake,

as flotsam and jetsam on a media sea

Shallow, wanting, yearning for what they know not

Unrelenting consumption of hours

minutes and seconds of gratification.

Never thinking to stop.

S l o w D o w n

Look inward

Turn away from the screen

Calm the mind

Focus on the breath

For true desires lie within


Fear and Loathing


Rule Britannia