Life through the lens

Light particles or is it waves 

stream through polished glass

Cascading endlessly

one hundred and eighty thousand miles per second

Writing their existence to a light sensitive plate

Digitised into zeros and ones, 

bits, bytes, mega, giga  

tetra fix today

File upon file asking, begging to be manipulated 

but only in a creative way

The camera never lies till it’s digitised in streams

Information flows from the mind

Deep fake

perversions of the masses 

here to stay

Believe your eyes 

never said to the blind man

As we suckle lethargic upon 

our honeyed drip fed truth 

The conspiracy theorists hand out tinfoil hats

Lizards a coming

Believe in nothing

god is our witness 

the Lord is our shield 

We know the truth 

For the camera never lies 

It takes creativity to do that.


Old Friend