Old Friend

Farewell my old friend 

you were with me

when I came into this world

Many times we have faced the unknown

adventures gladly accepted, undertaken 

but there comes a time

where order must change

and our time has run the race and some

moulds must be broken

the new begin again 

In truth of late we have not been

the easiest of bedfellows

So the sun rising on this day

should not cause us heartache or pain


Were you unhappy with me

Was the load I placed on you 

too high

too heavy to bear

too hot to handle


Did I fail to hear your words

as slowly you were ground down

by our relentless servitude to gravity 

Was I the ungrateful one in this relationship, 

thankless, self centred, inattentive 

Yes, maybe it was so,

and for that I am truly sorry 

But come let us part with some bonhomie 

for in the cleansing of the furnace 

you shall become our harbinger 

A proclamation written in smoke and soot

of true intentions 

To earth, air, and water you shall return

Fear not 

no anguish 

no sorry 

no pain


for across time’s infinite flow 

All things must at some point reunite again.


Life through the lens


Lead on the Moor