
From an early age the mind was locked

They took away the key. 

With bells, 

pieces of chalk, 

hands in the air 

crossed legged on the floor

They reinforced a lock,


Day after day,

weeks, years became decades

Testing, testing, one, two, three

The lock was forged 

till it forgot

It ever needed a key. 

Regimental armies deployed 

Seconds, minutes, hours, days. 

Till all locks forgot, 

They were locks

conditioning complete 

set upon a productive paths

Thirty years of toil

A most excellent lock

Obedient, Productive, Compliant

conditioning complete  

Five thirty alarm 

Light or dark  

Clock watching every journey 

Anxiously watching the hands, 

late, late, late.

Conditioning complete 

Cold spring morning

Sunlight bright mist bound

Clock watching, but

There on the roadside

Twisted and broken

Legs, impossible angles

Slow laboured breath mists the air

Eyes fearful, death already summoned.

Sadness, emotions are striped bare

Life transitioning, beauty oh so broken

The eyes, truly windows to a soul

Conditioning failed 

Lock exposed and open  

They key - 


and Words 

A pathway to the soul


To the Flag


Our Cat