Our Cat

Our cat died yesterday and it's my turn to be strong. 

It came without a warning, one moment here and then the next gone.


She always joked he wrapped his furry paws around both of our hearts. 

And I nodded and smiled, of course he did, and then continued to carry on.

Our cat died yesterday but I'm not feeling very strong. 

The emptiness of his passing just feels so very wrong.


But I'm no W.H. Auden, and no clocks will stop for our cat. 

For in truth our little furry Prince was not that kind of chap. 

Our cat died yesterday and the pain should not be so bad. 

For I'm sure that in his lust for life, he would not see us oh so sad.


So I'm trying oh so very hard, so very hard to be strong. 

And just treasuring every memory of our beautiful boy,


Who’s time came to move on.



