Unexpected March Sun

Gossamer threads on dogwood towers shimmer

Bridges between the spider's craft.

Cowslips dance on the light afternoon breeze

Honeybees swarm their first outing high up in eves

Sun breathes life into the garden

I slip off my shoes and walk on the grass

Gingerly, cat like, purpose placed in every step

Moving slowly across the lawn

Winters skin still soft 

jagged thorns from storms lay hidden

The feel from the warming blades

Soft moss still cool to the touch

yielding beneath the step,

contours between my toes

A small flotilla of bluebottles before me

Rise between clover and leaf

Iridescent Buoys of a shipping lane 

guiding my way to lands anew.

A cloud of fruit flies dance 

motes in sunlight shafts

A lifetime in a day 

They rejoice in their murmuration,

For come tomorrow

Their time will have passed.

Everywhere Life

What riches could be possessed

What price could be demanded

What beauty can compare

To the utter joyfulness of 

Standing barefoot on grass

Totally Absorbed in the moment

Attuned to Life's new beginnings


Old Father Time


Farewell Dear Christmas